parent work time
The Parent Work Time (PWT) program at Café au Play gives parents and caregivers the chance to work or study while their children enjoy supervised play in our play space.
Please remember, Café au Play is not a childcare center, so parents must stay on the premises for the duration of the supervised care time.
We have two co-working spaces- a conference room with a large table (fits 5-6) and a library with a medium sized table (fits 3-4). The Wi-Fi capabilities can handle emails, general internet browsing, and other operating applications. We unfortunately cannot offer Zoom calls or streaming videos with the amount of people using the Wi-Fi.
Café au Play will offer Parent Work Time once a week on Tuesdays (when we are closed to the public) between 8:30am-11:30am.
You can come anytime between these hours. Upon arrival we will check you in and show you around. Please review the PWT guidelines below before attending and reach out with any questions. We are so excited to offer an affordable supervised childcare program to Café au Play!

The Parent Work Time (PWT) program at Café au Play gives parents and caregivers the chance to work or study while their children enjoy supervised play in our play space. Please remember, Café au Play is not a childcare center, so parents must stay on the premises for the duration of the supervised care time.
Before Reserving Know This:
This service is available for children ages 8 months to 4 years old.
Café au Play will offer Parent Work Time once a week on Tuesdays (when we are closed to the public) between 8:30am-11:30am. You can come anytime between these hours.
Reservations and payment is required 24 hours in advance (the Monday before) in order for us to secure enough supervised hosts. Reserve using the Café au Play Google Forms sheet.
The fee for one child is $30 for the duration of the work time, the second child is $15.
If you are unable to pay at this time, please reach out to Dani as we have scholarships available.
We are NOT a daycare- you will have to stay on the premises for the duration of the work time. You can utilize the conference room for a co-working space, work outside, or in the library.
If you need to step out due to an emergency, please have another parent watch your child during your absence.
Regrettably, we are unable to accommodate one-on-one care at this time if your child has special needs.
During the Parent-Work Time:
Each parent will have a transition time to see if your child is ready to be supervised by another adult. Parents will work while on the couch in the playspace and then transition to the conference room. If your child is visibly upset and showing signs that they aren't ready, we will try again another time.
Remember to pack snacks, lunch, and a water bottle for your child. And label anything that is yours.
Apply sunscreen to your children and follow the instructions on the bottle.
Prepare to accompany your child to the bathroom or handle diaper changes. Our team will assist in bringing your child to you.
If your child is in the middle of potty training and doesn’t have it mastered yet, please have them wear a diaper for the duration of the supervised care to prevent accidents.
Get ready for outdoor activities if the weather allows and dress your child accordingly.
Inform our hosts if your child is having a tough day so we can offer extra care.
In the event of a safety concern, we reserve the right to cancel supervised care services.
Gather in the playspace at 11:30am promptly to pick up your child. We have events occurring after and will need time to properly sanitize the space.
Parents will leave their phone numbers for hosts to utilize if the child needs a diaper change or an issue arises.
To cancel, please reach out to Dani at (970) 286-7529 or via email at durangocafeauplay@gmail.com. Giving us advance notice helps us adjust staffing as needed.
If you provide at least 24 hours in advance of a cancellation, we will credit your account for the Parent Work Time.
No Shows will forfeit their payment.
Café au Play is excited to offer Parent Work Time as a new program but it will have a learning curve. Please reach out to Dani to discuss any concerns or suggestions that can help ensure the success of this PWT. We would love to hear from you.
Remember Stay Home If…
Vomiting occurs two or more times in 24 hours.
Has a rash, lice, or nits: body rash, especially with a fever or itching.
Diarrhea persists with 3 or more watery stools in 24 hours.
Eye infection with thick mucus or pus draining from the eye.
Persistent runny nose involving green mucus, not allergy-related.
Persistent cough, not asthma-related or lingering from a non-contagious illness.
Sore throat accompanied by fever or swollen glands.
Just feeling unwell: unusually tired, pale, lack of appetite, confused, or cranky.
Fever with a temperature of 100.4°F or higher AND sore throat, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, earache, or general unwell feeling.